Friday, June 26, 2015


May 31- June 6: 28 miles
June 7-June 13: 23 miles
June 14-20: 36 miles
June 21- present: 12 miles
Comments: Well, it happened. I got injured. Grr! A few days before the Well School 5k, I remember going out for a run and having some pain in my pelvic bone. Studying up on my anatomy, it looks like it is the Ischium that is hurting me on my right side. It didn’t bother me too much during the 5k, but of course when you race you get a higher threshold of pain. The day after the 5k was a rainy day and I had a fussy baby and just needed to get out of the house. So when Ian came home, I ran 12 miles even though it hurt, which obviously wasn’t a good idea. Since then, I haven’t had a run that hasn’t been hobbled and painful. I have taken days off, stretched, iced, foam rolled, and nothing is helping much. I am actually getting more pain now in my hip, quad, lower back, knee, likely from over compensating. Walking is also difficult at times. We were in D.C. this past weekend, and luckily I was pushing Isaac around in an umbrella stroller so I could lean on it.
I know I finally need to take more than two consecutive days off in a row, which I am doing now. But it’s hard. Reasons I’m incredibly frustrated by not being able to run:
1.     It’s a beautiful time of year to be running, and I want to be outside!
2.     I finally felt like I was getting back into running shape.
3.     I was within five pounds of my pre pregnancy weight.
4.     I was considering running a marathon in the fall, which seems impossible now as I would already be behind in training.
5.     Running is the only time I have to myself, except for 8 minutes of meditation I do each day.
6.     I was excited to start track workouts. Yes, I love track workouts.
It’s also tough to heal when you have a baby because you can’t just relax. There’s a lot of up and downs, ins and outs, whether from getting up off the floor after playing, or putting Isaac in the car seat. I feel like I keep straining whatever is hurting. I really don’t know what else to say except I’m incredibly frustrated. I know to many, not being able to run seems like a silly thing to be upset about. But those runners out there understand this frustration. :-(
I don't like I ever pushed it too hard with my running, though I have been reading up lately and I wonder if because Isaac is still exclusively breastfed, that I was more prone to injury. He has little interest (or maybe it's complete hatred) in solids, and gets about a half teaspoon to a teaspoon of solids a day if we're lucky. I also wasn't taking the time to stretch after running, since the little guy usually wants some attention. So I think little things added up to a big thing, and here I am not able to run. GRR!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Well School 5k in 19:15!

May 31: Well School 5k in Peterborough in 19:15
          Splits: Mile 1 5:55
                   Mile 2 6:08
                   Mile 3 6:29
                   .1 :39

May 24-30
Sunday- 15 miles at 8:14 pace
Monday- 0
Tuesday- 9 miles at 7:55 pace
Wednesday- 7 miles at 8:19 pace
Thursday- 8 miles at 7:30 pace with 4x6 minute pick ups, 4 minutes easy
Friday- 5 miles at about 8:45/9 minute pace
Saturday- 6 miles at 8:30 pace
Comments: Knowing that last week was going to be hot, my only goals were to run 50 miles and get in some sort of workout, which I was pleased I did. I really wanted to win today’s race because I had placed second there last year when pregnant and new I could do better. My shoulder has been hurting from the way I have been sleeping on it when Isaac inevitably makes his way into our bed around 5 or 6 am. I was worried that would bother me, but luckily it felt okay. (I had to ice it in the middle of the night, though). The race is quite hilly, but it’s also where I do the majority of my running so I knew that I had to go out hard in the beginning as it was more downhill. I was a bit achy, but felt like I worked hard the whole race. Obviously, I struggled the last mile but it has a long sloping uphill, and I still need to build strength. 
Overall, I’m content with the run. I felt like I needed to get back to a low 19 5k for more confidence that I am getting back in shape. I also won a new pair of Saucony sneakers, so I’m finally updating from the A4’s to the A6’s. Oh, and Ian raced pushing Isaac in the BOB. Isaac seemed to enjoy it so much that he fell asleep.
Onto other news, Isaac still does not like solid foods. I thought yogurt was going to turn from unsuccessful to successful when yesterday he tolerated two tastes-I mean, like a sixteenth of a teaspoon. But today’s try failed. He’s just not ready, and obviously he is doing fine so I don’t feel like I need to rush it. Isaac has been doing fairly well at taking about a 40-45 minute nap in the morning, so I have been able to start my vegetable garden and it’s already doing well! Horaay! Nights are a bit tougher with wake ups about every two hours. But he’s a cutie, and I wouldn’t trade anything about him. Well… maybe sleep actually would be nice….

Monday, May 25, 2015

Plodding Along

May 17-23
Sunday-14 miles at 8:09 pace
Monday- 0
Tuesday- 9 miles at 7:55 pace
Wednesday- 2 miles at 7:59 pace
          Then 6 miles at 7:45 pace
Thursday- A.M. 2 miles with Lucy around 9 minute pace
P.M. Track workout
          12 minute warm up, 14 minute cool down
          6x800 with 2 minute recovery
          Times: 3:01, 3:01, 3:04, 3:02, 3:01, 2:59
Friday- 5 miles easy, part with Lucy, part with Isaac in the BOB stroller.
Saturday- 6 miles at 8:30 pace

May 10-16
Sunday- Mother’s Day 5k in 19:37
          Splits: 1. 6:25 2. 6:08 3. 6:14
          10 minute warm up, 27 minute cool down
Monday- 3.25 miles around 9 minute pace
Tuesday- 9 miles at 8:07 pace
Wednesday- 8 miles at 7:21 pace with 8x3 minute pick ups, 3 minutes easy
Thursday- 2 miles with Lucy
          Then 5 miles at 8:08 pace
Friday- 2 miles with Lucy at 8:14 pace
          Then 3.1 miles at 8:10 pace
Saturday- 2 miles at 8:35 pace
          Then 4 miles at 8:26 pace
Total miles: 45.5

May 3-9
Sunday- Earth Rock Run Half Marathon in 1:33:39
          12 minute warm up, 5 minute cool down
Monday- 0
Wednesday- 2 miles with Lucy at 8:15 pace
          Then 5 miles at 8:18 pace
Thursday- 2 miles with Lucy at 8:15 pace
          Then 5 miles at 8:27 pace
Friday- 5 miles at 8:28 pace
Saturday- 3 miles at about 8:45/9 minute pace
Total miles: 37
Comments: A couple highlights of the past few weeks are running a decent 5k after not expecting anything out of the race, and also getting back to the track for a workout. We’ve started putting Isaac to bed between 8 to 8:30, whereas before we would just keep him up with us until 10:30 and he would nap in our arms. But now that we are trying to have an actual bedtime routine, time in the evening is a bit more crunched, so I can’t dilly dally during my track workouts. When Ian gets home, I need to head out to the track to get it done. It was nice to be back on the track. I hope to get in at least one track workout a month, just for confidence. Oh, and running with a BOB stroller is as tough as I thought it would be. I don’t think I’ll be doing too many runs with it! But it’s nice to have just in case.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Earth, Rock, Run Half Marathon

May 3- Earth Rock Run Half Marathon in 1:33:39 (7:09 pace)
Splits: Mile 1 6:45
                   2 6:35
                   3 6:23
                   4 7:07
                   5 6:58
                   6 6:48
                   7 7:08
                   8 7:21
                   9 7:45
                   10 7:27
                   11 7:15
                   12 8:30
                   13 6:41
                   .1 0:51
Comments: I felt decent the couple weeks leading up to the half marathon. My goals for the race were: A goal- 1:28:30, B goal- sub 1:30, C goal- 1:31:45. I ended up not only not reaching any of those goals, but also running a personal worst! I thought I was stronger and in better shape that I apparently was.
The race started at 10am, which I originally was grateful for as it allowed me to sleep a bit later (Isaac has been up every couple hours at night to feed lately), pump to get a bottle for Isaac ready (though he still doesn’t take it well, but I wanted Ian to have it in case he really was hungry), get to the race and warm up, and also feed Isaac about 45 minutes before race time. However, the 10am start time also meant temperatures were rising quickly. There were no clouds in the sky, either. I was a bit nervous about the weather, but still thought I could reach my goals.
I started the race out fairly well, but as soon as I started, I though “Oh crap, this is a long race.” My first split was on target for my A goal, but after a few miles, I thought my B or C goal was more realistic. That wasn’t in the cards, either. The course was hillier than I thought (take a look at some of those mile splits I had) and it just felt so hot with the sun baking down and a pretty unshaded course. As women began passing me, I started to feel more and more defeated. Yet, I couldn’t even hang onto them as they passed. I didn’t have the energy.
I also felt like I didn’t get enough liquids, and looking back I think breastfeeding contributed to that. I don’t think I’ve ever gone to every water stop during a race, but I did during this one. My best friend told me she felt a bounce back after stopping breastfeeding, so thinking about that, I do believe that contributed to not feeling like I had to oomph to keep my pace down. Isaac is still exclusively breast fed, and we are waiting until 6 months or after to give him solids. It will be interesting to see if I do feel more energy once he starts taking solids, though of course in the beginning it’s unlikely to make any difference as the amount of solid food will be so minimal.
So now that I’ve been Debbie Downer about the race, I will switch to a more upbeat mode. It was great to have Ian and Isaac there cheering me on, and my mom surprised me by coming as well. I heard her cheering at the start of the race. When I really was struggling during the race, I started to give high fives or waves to the kids who were cheering me on, and it was neat to see them excited about that. I mean, there’s nothing greater than a kid thinking you’re cool. Haha. The race was very well organized, and the course was well marked. There were a lot of police and volunteers, and they were all so kind. Ian did an amazing job keeping Isaac out of the sun, and I did a good job of purring sunscreen on and I only got a teeny sun burn.  I’m glad I ran the race. I took a chance, and even though I didn’t do as well as expected, I’m happy with the start I’ve made, and excited for future races.

Week 24 April 26-May 2
Sunday- 13.25 miles at 8:06 pace
Monday- 0
Tuesday- 8 miles at 7:59 pace
Wednesday- 7 miles at 7:30 pace
          With 5x3 minute pick-ups (3 minutes recovery)
Thursday- 2 miles with Lucy at 8:03 pace
          Then 4.75 miles at 7:58 pace
Friday- 2 miles with Lucy at 8:12 pace
Saturday- 2 miles with Lucy at 8:29 pace
          Then 3.1 miles at 7:55 pace
Total miles: 42

Week 23 April 19-25
Sunday- 15 miles at 7:42 pace
          With 8x3 minutes pick-ups (7 minutes recovery)
Monday- 0
Tuesday- 9 miles at 7:53 pace
Wednesday- 2 miles with Lucy at 8:02 pace
          Then 5 miles at 8:06 pace
Thursday- 8 miles at 8:24 pace
Friday- 7 miles at 7:33 pace
          With 12x1 minute pick-ups (1 minute recovery)
Saturday- 3 miles with Lucy at about 8:45 pace
Total miles: 49